Do You Recognize Fake News?
Fake news… Everybody's talking about it. But what is it? And how can you distinguish real news from fake? The tips in this video will help you.
Is Leasing (Electronics) a Good Idea?
Leasing is popular. Computers, phones, TV's; everything is leasable these days. But is it cheaper? Suitable for you? Find out about the advantages and disadvantages of leasing.
Green Scams: Not Energy Efficient, and You Still Lose Your Money
The world is going green, and so are scammers. Find out how they are after your (green) money.
Is a Payment Plan for (Small) Purchases a Good Idea?
Viewer beware. Though "rent-to-own" plans may seem convenient and affordable, you may be surprised how costly it can really be.
Seven Tips for Getting Better Customer Service
What these tips can really help you do, however, is get more positive resolutions most of the time when you have to call customer service.
Staying up to Date
Should you keep your device's operating system up to date? This video will tell you about the dangers of not doing so.
Can Saving Tips Be Funky?
We think so, but decide for yourself. And the best news…they will save you money!
Are You at Risk of Spearphishing?
Spearphising is a targeted email attack, and scammers may be after your information and money. Shouldn't you know about this?
Tips for FoolProof Happy Holidays?
Stay safe this holiday season with these FoolProof tips. From all of us at FoolProof, Happy Holidays!
Is Starting a Business a Good Move for You?
You'll have freedom! Be your own boss! Great. But you also have to take care of a lot of details. It's a big step. Check to see if you're ready...
What Caveats Come with Charitable Giving?
Research charities before you give. There’s scammers after your money, and you nor the charities should be the victim.
Are You (and Your Money) Safe on Facebook?
Facebook is laden with phishing scams and malware by crooks trying to steal your personal and financial information. Stop it cold!
Should You Get an Ad Blocker?
The good and the bad about ad blockers: the software that removes ads and avoids malware and things. But is it all good?
Does Buying in Bulk Always Make Sense?
No. There's plenty or reasons why you shouldn't. But also why you should, of course. These tips may help you stock up.
Are Your Kids' Smart Toys Safe?
Toys that connect to the internet can be a danger to your kids’ privacy. Limit the risks, now.
Should You Bank Online or Mobile?
Is it safe? Is it really easier? Valid concerns. This video will help determine if mobile and/or online banking is right for you.
Are You at Risk of Medical ID Theft?
Scammers could be using your ID for prescriptions, insurance claims, and much more. Stop them cold!
Credit Cards, Debit Cards, or Prepaid Debit Cards?
Which are safer to use? Answer: It depends. This video compares all 3 options.
Clickbaiting: The Online Bait and Switch
The good old bait and switch scheme moved online, and it is after your sanity, your personal info or computer files, and perhaps even your pocketbook.
Should You "Push" or "Pull" Your Online Payment?
Which one is quicker, easier or (more importantly) safer? Do you even know the difference? This video will push you in the right direction.