At some point in your life you will own a car! So the sooner you familiarize yourself with this topic the better.
First, check out our Car Buying Guide. Why is it different? Because it frankly tells you the truth. Then check out our dozens of articles that cover everything from gas prices to insurance to auto theft to renting a car on vacation plus much more!
So, let's get to work! Fasten your seat belt... its going to be an exciting ride!

CFPB Finds One-in-Five Auto Title Loan Borrowers Have Vehicle Seized for Failing to Repay Debt
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today issued a report finding that one-in-five borrowers who take out…

Auto Contracts Requiring Mandatory Binding Arbitration Limit Consumer Rights
More and more automobile dealerships across the country have added mandatory binding arbitration clauses to contracts for new and used vehicles as wel…

Buying a Car When You Have Bad Credit
You need a new vehicle, but your credit is spotty or bad. Can you afford to buy a reliable car or truck? Can you get a loan at reasonable rates? Can y…

Car Buying Guide
Car Buying Guide
Listen to the hype—whether it's on TV, online, or in print—and you'd think saving money on a vehicle is as…

Guía de Compra de Autos
Guía de Compra de Autos
Escuchas la publicidad -ya sea en la televisión, en línea o en forma impresa- y piensas que ahorrar…

Take Five Steps to Save BEFORE You Shop for a New Vehicle
Yes, you read that headline correctly. If you are thinking of buying a new or used vehicle and you want to save money, I recommend first taking five s…

Money-Saving Tips to Lower Your Auto and Gas Costs
Gasoline prices typically fluctuate depending on the season, for example, going up when more people are traveling in the summer. Even a few extra cent…

CFPB and DOJ Reach Resolution with Toyota Motor Credit to Address Loan Pricing Policies with Discriminatory Effects
Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Department of Justice (DOJ) resolved an action with Toyota Motor Credit Corporation, under w…

Auto Repair Guide
Have you recently gotten a new (or newer) car? If so, or even if you've had it for some time, here are some of our resources to help you keep it in go…

Buying a New Car? Prepare for Sales Ploys That Can Cost You
Automotive advertisements hawking 2015 models and new 2016s are crowding TV and radio broadcasts and filling the pages of online and print news media.…

New or Used? What Vehicle Purchase Is Right for You?
Is it time to replace your current vehicle? Before you head to a dealership showroom, lot, or online, start with the following tips and then check out…

Buying a New Car? Sell Your Vehicle Yourself for More Money
Dealerships just love it when you trade in your old vehicle. Why? They give you "wholesale" for it (if you're lucky) then "retail" it to another custo…

Buying a Car? Five Traps to Avoid
Are you ready to replace your current vehicle with a new—or newer—set of wheels? If so, you've got lots of company. The average age of pas…

Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Car?
Did you know that that the average car and pickup trunk on American roads is 11.4 years old. Maybe your vehicle's best years are behind it, too, and y…

Should Gas Prices Influence Your Next Vehicle Purchase?
Over the last few months, falling gas prices have made drivers a little giddy. Just the other day, a friend who drives a compact noted cheerfully that…

Top 10 Car Buying Tips
Slow Down!
Speed in the automobile business is a very dangerous thing.
Budget Before You Shop
Know what you plan …

Why Not Buy a Car on eBay or Another Online Auction Site?
eBay has become the gorilla of vehicles sales virtually overnight—they've facilitated over three million vehicle sales since starting their prog…

Thinking of Donating Your Used Vehicle to Charity?
Dozens of radio and TV ads from many different charities are flooding the airwaves suggesting that you donate your used car or boat. Are you consideri…

Getting the Longest Service out of Your Vehicle Saves $$$
Many people are keeping their cars longer. According to a recent report by the research company R. L. Polk & Co., the median age of operational pa…
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