Worried About Your Budget Right Now? Be Proactive!
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- Written by The FoolProof Team
- Category: Videos
If you don't, you’re probably setting yourself up for financial ruin. Check this out...
If you don't, you’re probably setting yourself up for financial ruin. Check this out...
It's the end of the month, and money's tight. How to cut down on your costs? We've got a few suggestions...
There's broke, and then there's "digging through your couch cushions for change to buy groceries" broke. I've been both more than once in my life, and I quickly learned the difference between "needs" ...
¿Estás viviendo a la altura de tus ingresos? ¿Yendo un poco más allá de tus ingresos para llegar a fin de mes, acumulando deudas en la tarjeta de crédito o ahorrando dinero?
Are you living right up to your income? Going a bit beyond your income to make ends meet—running up credit card debt or dipping into savings? If so, you are not alone.
Here are FoolProof's Top 10 reasons why (young) people get in trouble with money. How many hit home for you?
Watch this video and start working on your personal and powerful lifetime savings plan.
You can have a good credit score but still be financially unfit. Get into training now, starting with this video.
Reducing your phone use by just an hour a day can have significant health benefits, experts say.
Balance transfers are tricky! They can be a powerful tool to save money on interest payments, sure. But if mismanaged or neglected, they can be very costly and hurt your credit.
AI agents go far beyond simply answering questions; they can independently perform tasks, gather information, and respond to real-world scenarios.
If you are, or are close to being late, you need to do something right away. Start with this video and then dig into the action items.
If you're considering a credit card balance transfer to tackle high-interest debt, stop and think first. While this financial tool can help, it's not a magic bullet.
Credit cards with cash back rewards sound enticing and a good opportunity to make some money back. But are they? Not necessarily... Check out this video.
any people are added to WhatsApp groups unsolicitedly, and are supposedly offered money for answering a simple question or 2... Sounds easy and good.
AI is everywhere, also in the financial world. Is that impacting your financial decisions and your pocketbook? Probably...
Jennifer's podcast shows you the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the damage screen time can do to a kid under two.
Checking "likes" all day? Yearning for more followers? Chances are, you're addicted to social media... Start getting a grip with this video!
Like with any betting, it's usually the house that wins. Here's what you need to know...
When a disaster occurs many of us want to help but aren't sure how. Here are some tips to help.
Natural disasters caused by wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and floods bring out the scammers.
"The FoolProof Foundation believes there is a fundamental flaw in the teaching of financial literacy."
How we have put your donated funds to work.